
My blog. Personal thoughts, anecdotes, and musings.

Numb? Published December 20, 2002

I don’t feel much like anything right now. My mom went to the doctor today… they said that chemo is not an option because it has not been shown to do anything to help this type of lymphoma. The only other alternative is antibodies which have been somewhat successful.

ElcomSoft found not Guilty!!!!!!!! Published December 18, 2002

A San Jose, California jury on Tuesday cleared software firm ElcomSoft of charges it violated the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) with its program that cracks the copyright protections in Adobe Systems eBooks.

Almost Done Shopping Published December 16, 2002

Almost all of my Christmas shopping is done! My mom, dad, wife, and I went out today and hit the mall, and I feel as though I bought everything in sight!. I got some pretty good stuff for my dad, which is cool because he is the hardest person I know to shop for.

Spam Published December 11, 2002

I get so much spam now it’s really getting hard to keep up with my job. I get lots of requests for help, and it’s taking more and more time each morning to separate the legitimate messages from the junk mail.

WindowsXP.NU Published December 10, 2002

Ohhhh MAN am I upset tonight. I just read this post on about one of my favorite web sites, WindowsXP.NU and I am just steamed. Sure, the guy puts up some links to MS beta software sometimes, but he also explains how to make your own slipstreamed boot disks as well as a host of other useful Windows-related stuff. Microsoft is flexing its muscles again.

Parenting Published December 9, 2002

What a weekend. I love my daughter…. but wow… what a handful. My wife had to work nights this weekend, so I watched the little one all day and all night. After this, work will seem like a vacation!

Contribute Published December 6, 2002

Well, we played with Macromedia Contribute 1.0 today… and I can’t say it’s useful. It is supposed to be a content management solution, but it has no server components at all… which means others who are not using Contribute can still edit files you may be working on. It has a lot of shortcomings. For an NT shop, it’s useless because you still have to set up user permissions to the NT share you want to edit. It could be handy for FTP-based web hosts though. It’s really too bad because we did like the interface and the ease of editing.

File Browser Published December 1, 2002

I’m working on a new program that is just going to be the coolest! It lets you read in a folder on your hard drive, and then attach a description for each file in that folder. You can then save this file / description pair as an XML file or an HTML file. I needed to write something like this so I could get some file downloads organized for this site.

Post-Thanksgiving Post Published November 29, 2002

Thanksgiving was fun. I saw my family and my mom looks good. She’s feeling better but we are all worried about the coming months. She will begin her radiation soon, perhaps after the holidays.

Thanksgiving Published November 27, 2002

It’s the day before Thanksgiving, and I’m all caught up at work! It feels nice! I plan to take the day after Thanksgiving off from work and relax. I get these massive headaches from being here… a lot of the employees here have health problems ranging from headaches to severe asthma attacks. Nothing has been found, and there really is no space for us to be moved.