I spent the evening working on some web pages and doing some kata. I love kata. It’s a great way to relax, build balance, expand the mind, and build up strength. I can really get a lot out of the movements if I do them precisely. The most amazing thing about kata, in my mind, is the way that a person can be completely drained of all energy by performing a simple kata, but also feel so peaceful and relaxed at the same time.
“If you develop decent meditation skills, it is not enough to keep those skills simple while sitting. You need to work on your kata, and when the kata is good enough, you start meditation in movement through performing the kata. Then you can move onto performing basics and combinations in a state of ‘meditation’, and then sparring. Sparring with such training makes you very sensitive to the other’s movements and really changes your mindset to focus only on your opponent allowing you to dominate him completely.” -Jack, pennywiserock@hotmail.com via KarateForums
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