A Good Long Week

Published August 6, 2004

Reading time: 2 minutes.

The reason for the lack of updates on my blog is quite simple-vacation!

I took my week summer vacation to spend some time with my wife. We celebrated our second anniversary this last Tuesday by going to the restaurant we met at.

I also spent the week recovering from a neck and shoulder injury which occurred last weekend after karate. I was finished with the workout and was turning around to grab something and all of a sudden, I couldn’t move. My shoulders and neck started to sting, and a dazzling array of pain shot through my upper back. By the afternoon, I couldn’t sit up or even get up if I was lying down. A trip to the emergency room revealed that it was most likely a pulled muscle, and the doctor prescribed some pain medicine as well as some muscle relaxers. The muscle relaxers worked much better than the pain killers, which I stopped taking two days later.

Thursday and today, we held a garage sale to get rid of some toys and clothes that Ana has outgrown. I also tried to get rid of some computer software I bought a few years ago that I don’t use anymore. None of that moved, although I’m not really surprised.

We shut down early today after the city took our signs down because they were too close to the edge of the road. We donated everything else to the Hope Gospel Mission. They’ll sell it and use the proceeds to help the homeless. I would rather do that than sell it anyway.

Tomorrow, my vacation is technically over, and so I’ll get back to work on the wedding music and get things ready for Ana’s return on Sunday.

Also, happy 80th birthday to my grandma, Dolores. I hope you like the flowers.

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