
Published December 16, 2004

Reading time: 1 minutes.

I got a call from Mom tonight. She had to get new platelets today but her white blood cell count doubled. She told me that if everything goes well, they may let her come home on Monday! Since she received her new stem cells, they consider her to be “born again” so that means that she is a whopping eight days old today.

We had a good talk tonight and she sounds like she’s doing better. I’m worried about her though. She has to go a whole year without receiving her immunizations. That means she can get anything from the flu to chicken pox to mumps, so she has to be very careful where she goes and what she eats. I can’ help but think the worst, even though I pray for the best.

Thanks to everyone who has been so supportive to me and my family. We love you all.

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