Firefox Tricks

Published February 25, 2005

Reading time: 1 minutes.

These tips were found over at the Firefox Support Forums site. The ones listed here are the ones I use all the time and so I thought I would share. If you’re not using Firefox yet, you should.

  • CTRL+T (Control + T) opens a new blank tab.
  • Instead of clicking the Back or Forward buttons, hold down the Shift key and turn the scroll wheel to back or forward. You can also use
    alt+left for back and alt+right for forward.
  • Use the scroll wheel button to click on the Back or Forward buttons to open the previous or next page in a new tab
  • Use the scroll wheel button to close a tab.
    • Type about:config and filter for middle and set middlemouse.contentLoadURL to false on Linux or this won’t work!
  • By default, Firefox uses “I’m Feeling Lucky” for non-URLs typed into its address bar. You can change the behavior by going to about:config and setting keyword.URL to the appropriate URL
  • If you’re on a webpage which has URLs on it that aren’t links, you can highlight them and drag them straight onto the Tab Bar to open them.

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