Sick and Tired
Lately, I’ve been busy doing things other than playing online, such as taking care of a sick Ana and getting some rest myself, as I seem to have caught a bit of what she had.
This Sunday, I leave once more for some Oracle training. This is the last time I have to go, and I’m really looking forward to it. I’m going to miss my family but I love to learn. The last trip was a lot of fun and it looks like this one might be better.
Provided that Mark didn’t hurt himself again, perhaps I’ll get to see him.
Other than that, I don’t have a lot to talk about this time around. We’re still working hard at the project at work, where there are always constant roadblocks. Carissa and I have started house hunting after receiving a huge tax return this year. If anyone knows of a good realtor, let me know.
As for the post title, those who know will get it.
Thanks for reading
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