Long week

Published October 21, 2005

Reading time: 1 minutes.

Listening to: “Conclusion” by Keih Jarrett

So I’m winding down a long week by relaxing to some cool music via Pandora. If you’ve not had a chance to play around with it yet, you should give it a try. You enter an artist or song that you like and it creates a personalized radio station for you. You get to rate the songs and it will tailor the station to your tastes. I used up my 10 free hours pretty fast so I paid for a year’s subscription and I’m discovering some new bands along the way.

Looks like they’re going to try some different kind of chemotherapy for Mom. I’d like to get my hopes up because I would feel better if I did, but things just haven’t been going so well in the hope and faith department these days. It seems like the karmic winds are really blowing against me lately. Again, I shouldn’t be focusing on me… there’s no time for that.

This weekend is all about projects. I have lots of thngs on my plate to keep me busy well into the next month. I think I’ll give TaDaLista try and see if that helps.

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