Linora Update

Published December 31, 2005

Reading time: 1 minutes.

Dad called tonight to say that anyone who wants to see Linora should do it as soon as possible.

We did the stupidest thing we could do by rushing out head-on into a snowstorm to get up to my parents’ place.

Mom’s on oxygen and Carla says she’s weeker than she’s ever been. The hospice people were here today saying that we are nearing the end. It is only a matter of time before she will not be able to physically swallow her medication anymore.

Today is the first day she didn’t get out of bed.

All we can do is be here for her. I feel helpless right now and angry at the unfairness of all of this.

Dad and I spent a lot of time reflecting on the fun times we’ve had in the past. Mom can barely talk but I could tell she was happy to see us.

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