Really busy lately
I figured I should take a few minutes today to do some updates to the blog since I’ve been getting lots of emails and phone calls asking what I’ve been doing.
First off, I’m working on a huge project outside of work. It’s been a lot of fun and we are making good progress. I’m very proud of the work we’ve done but we have a long long way to go. I was only supposed to be partially involved in this but it has turned into quite a big commitment.
I am putting the finishing touches on a site for Karaoke For A Cure. I’ve been trying to finish it up quickly but sometimes projects just never end!
I’m working on a small book for O’Reilly which shows Windows users how to develop Ruby on Rails applications. I’m working like crazy to finish that and making really good progress.
I also still have my job at the university and so I’m starting to feel the pinch. Ana, Carissa, and I have all been feeling pretty awful lately so I’ve missed a few days of work because of that. Today I’m not there because I’m having new doors installed in the house.
Finally, I’m still workingon the other book. I did a complete redesign of the outline and am working on three intro chapters to give to the editors.
So, if you haven’t heard from me, it’s because I am really, really, really busy.
Thanks for reading
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