Counting down the days
It’s only six days until Carissa’s due date. It’s been interesting around here; we’re all kinda just playing the waiting game. We haven’t made any real plans to do anything just in case, and we’ve been so tired lately. Carissa got some good sleep last night finally, and I fell asleep on the couch watching TV.
I’ve almost got everything ready for a leave of absence from work. I’m going to continue working on the books though. I’m not sleeping anyway so I figure if I’m going to be up with a crying baby I might as well do something productive. All of you laughing out there can just hush up. Last time around, we were exhausted after the baby came. Now we’re exhausted even before it’s here, so while I know it’s not the same, it’s still going to be less of a shock than it was last time.
In any event, I hope you’re all doing well. We are, except that it’s extremely cold here today. Stay warm, and keep watching the Twitter feed.
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