Almost a year!
Lisa turns one year old this Saturday. I can’t believe how fast the first year went. Looking back, we had a pretty lousy year. Six eye surgeries, nine casts, and three pairs of shoes. Not to mention countless bottles and diapers. Lisa’s also a biter, so that can be kinda painful.
It took nearly six months before Lisa would really let me spend alone time with her, and even today she’d rather be with Carissa if she’s within earshot. Lisa and I get to spend some time together quite a bit now that Carissa’s involved with the Girl Scouts.
One of the most frustrating things about the work I do is how much time it requires. I’d rather be spending that with my family, but Carissa needs to stay home to care for Lisa, so that means I gotta pick up work where I can get it. At least most of what I do is fun, although a few things are starting to wear thin.
As for Ana, she’s nine years old now and she just doesn’t get along with her mother at all. She and I get along quite well; she’s still my little buddy. I’m sure that won’t last very long though. She’s going to have her first sleep-over party here this weekend, so if I’m still alive after Sunday I’ll be sure to post how that went over.
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