Chad Fowler is my hero.

Published June 4, 2009

Reading time: 1 minutes.

I miss being in shape. I used to work out every day. I’d practice karate, go running with Ana, and do some occasional weight training. It was part of the routine and I felt great. But then Ana started school, my consulting practice picked up, and of course we were blessed with Lisa. I found I had less and less time to get any workout time in.

When I went to RailsConf in May, I was immediately shocked by the way Chad Fowler, one of the conference organizers looked. For those that don’t know, Chad was a pretty big guy, but he must have dropped at least 60 pounds (or more) since I last saw him. He looked so different that I didn’t even recognize him

Chad’s a pretty busy guy. He’s been writing a great book over the last year and basically being an all-around good guy in the Ruby community. It was at that point that i thought “well, now I have no excuse.”

So, I started watching what I eat, and have been working out more, trying to find a good routine. This is going to mean a little less time with some of my other hobbies, but I think it will definitely pay off in the long run. I’m not going to be religious about it, but I am going to get back to the way things used to be by being more active and taking lunches to work instead of eating crappy campus food.

Should be interesting to see what happens next.

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