
My blog. Personal thoughts, anecdotes, and musings.

Solving Problems with Code Published May 25, 2024

Software development doesn’t have to be your career. Use it to solve pain points in your life, like the one I had today.

Wrapping Up the Year Published December 21, 2023

I started out the year thinking it would be “business as usual.” Boy was I wrong.

One Year at Temporal Published March 21, 2023

I’ve been at Temporal for a full year. So, how’d it go?

Learning Styles are a Myth Published December 15, 2022

You may have heard of learning styles. But it turns out there’s no evidence to support them.

Moving On from DigitalOcean Published March 15, 2022

A look back on my time at DigitalOcean as I close the books on nearly six years at this great company.

My 2022 RPM Challenge results Published February 27, 2022

This February, I did the RPM Challenge, a global event where musicians have the month of Febrary to record and release music. Like last year, I was able to choose to do a single song, an EP of 5 songs, or a full-length album. My goal was to do the 5-song EP, but February turned out to be a lot busier than I’d expected.

Deploy Lounge Performance Published December 19, 2021

I performed my own music on DigitalOcean’s live stream as part of the Deploy conference.

International Books Published September 23, 2021

A look at the changes that happen when my books are translated into other languages.

Getting Good Published April 28, 2021

So you want to get good at something in a creative field like music, writing, or even coding? Folks might tell you that you need thousands of hours of study. But that’s not necessarily true. The key to getting good at something is to do it over and over while incorporating feedback along the way. Think of the one thing you’re amazing at. How long did it take you to get to your level of skill?

2021 RPM Challenge Completed Published February 28, 2021

Every February, I participate in the RPM Challenge, a global event where musicians have the month of Febrary to write, record, and release music. This year you could choose to do a single, an EP, or a full album. I’ve completed a five song EP called “Spark”, and you can listen to it on Soundcloud. I’ve been participating in this challenge since 2011. You can find my other entries on the music page.