
My blog. Personal thoughts, anecdotes, and musings.

Rails Day update Published June 17, 2006

We’re kickin’ along with only about 2 hours of sleep. We just hit a snag when our power went out for some reason. Probably too much computer stuff going on in one room. We’re making some good progress after getting caught up earlier this morning.

Rails Day Published June 17, 2006

We’re into our third hour of Rails Day. So far we’ve hit a few snags and had to write some things over, but we’re making decent progress. It’s a lot of fun. There’s a lot of excitement going on in the community right now. Everyone seems to be having a great time. We also settled on a name…. ActionTracker. Check our status out at

I am contributing to a book! Published June 15, 2006

I’ve been asked by the talented Ezra Zygmuntowicz to write a chapter for his upcoming book for Pragmatic Programmers. The book is all about deploying Rails applications on Windows servers. It’s going to be pretty boring unless youre a system administrator or a software programmer, so most of you who read this won’t care. It’s still pretty neat to be able to contribute. I have submitted my outline and am going to take a day off of work tomorrow to do some writing.

Congratulations to Aimee Published June 15, 2006

Aimee had her baby this morning. The baby is healthy and well and weighs 6lbs 1 oz. Thanks to Anita for the update! The little one doesn’t have a name yet but when she gets one, I’ll update the post. Congratulations Aimee Sue! Your journey is just beginning! Update: The baby’s name is Zoe Jean!

Rails Day 2006 Published June 6, 2006

Adam, Mike and I are participating in Rails Day 2006, a 24 hour coding marathon where the object is to develop an application in a single day, from start to finish. There are lots of great prizes to win and lots to learn. All of the submitted code will be opened to the public so even if you don’t participate there’s still something to gain. Our team name is “Those Guys that Write Code“.

Memorial Day Published May 30, 2006

What a great day. It was a lot of fun to spend the day with friends and family. We did some grilling and I played crouquet with Ana (she did really well!) The weather was really nice but as soon as we all sat down to eat, everyone started to get pretty warm. People slowly moved into the house to cool off. It was nice to see everyone. I did miss Mom a lot though.

Difficult month Published May 25, 2006

May is a difficult month. Mothers’ day and Mom’s birthday are both this month. I felt pretty crappy all day on Mothers’ day. Carissa’s birthday was the 16th and we had a small cookout to celebrate. Mom’s birthday came and went; it was easier than I thought. I think that Christmas will be harder.

More fame Published May 11, 2006

I just made the Ruby on Rails weblog’s main page. Here’s a permalink to the posting.

Punks stealin’ my stuff Published April 15, 2006

We woke up this morning to find out that somebody (I’m thinking at least two people) broke into our car last night and stole our stereo. I’ll say that again. Our $150 stereo was stolen from our locked car in front of our house last night. Thankfully they didn’t do too much damage to the car. They did bend up the passenger-side door a bit. The lesson learned though is that possessions are fleeting and it really doesn’t matter what you have, it’s who you have.

Extended holiday weekend Published April 14, 2006

I’m going to take some time off from work (both University and otherwise) and relax for the next few days. I plan to do as little work as possible and instead spend my time playing video games, doing some music stuff, playing with Ana, and just wasting time. I haven’t done that in a while. I’ve managed to make it through to the end of Lent with only two accidental incidents with chocolate!