
My blog. Personal thoughts, anecdotes, and musings.

Battlefield Band Published April 7, 2006

Dad and I went out to the Battlefield Band concert last night. He’d been wanting to see them for quite a while and I figured I would go. It was a chance for us to get some quality time in, and I figured that I would enjoy the show even though I’d never heard of them. I was right. It was a great show. They were very tight and extremely talented.

Home again Published April 6, 2006

Training was rough. I sat through three days of pretty intense stuff and I’ll be lucky if I can even remember a quarter of it. We did learn some really interesting things and I hope that there’s a way for us to use some of that at work. One thing I know for sure…. I am so glad to be home. Staying by myself in a hotel room away from my family is not something I enjoyed at all.

Training again Published April 3, 2006

I’m back in Madison again. This hotel sucks. It has nice rooms and its very well-kept, but it doesn’t have anything nearby. No close restaurants, no stores, nothing. When you don’t have a car, it’s a bit rough. Im here for Oracle security training. I am excited to learn something new but I would much rather be home with my family. At least I can get some quiet time to get some projects done.

Buzzwords – Defining “Enterprise Applications” Published March 29, 2006

Vital enterprise applications are for proactive organizations leveraging collective synergy to think outside the box and formulate their key objectives into a win-win game plan with a quality-driven approach that focuses on empowering key players to drive-up their core competencies and increase expectations with an all-around initiative to drive up the bottom-line.

Dad’s adventure Published March 29, 2006

I talked with Dad a few days ago. He sure had an interesting few days. As he was driving north on the highway towards home, his van was rear-ended. Dad was going the speed limit, and so the guy that hit him must have been going considerably faster than that. That’s pretty scary. Dad said he probably would have lost control of the vehicle if he had been driving the Saturn instead of the van.

I don’t like to relax Published March 7, 2006

I’ve always known this, but it’s really been noticeable lately. I can’t really sit down on the couch and zone out anymore. My brain keeps moving so fast, thinking of the projects I’m working on or music I want to play. I can’t sit still. Perhaps I’m addicted to work? I’ve got three projects going on right now, and that doesn’t include my day job. That, and I think I’ve decided to write a book.

Pay Attention! Published February 10, 2006

Adult ADD Strengths » Top 10 Advantages of ADD in a High Tech Career I found this today and it made me laugh. I notice nine of these ten items in my work.

Getting Started Again Published January 18, 2006

The memorial service was held on Monday in New Auburn, and it was the most difficult thing I’ve ever faced. It was so hard seeing all those people coming in to give their condolences. Thank you to everyone who paid their respects. For those that didn’t, we understand. We held up pretty well and it was all over before we knew it. Dad and I were both emotionally and physically drained by the end of the day.