
My blog. Personal thoughts, anecdotes, and musings.

Long week Published October 21, 2005

Listening to: “Conclusion” by Keih Jarrett So I’m winding down a long week by relaxing to some cool music via Pandora. If you’ve not had a chance to play around with it yet, you should give it a try. You enter an artist or song that you like and it creates a personalized radio station for you. You get to rate the songs and it will tailor the station to your tastes.

Awful Feeling (Feeling Awful) Published October 19, 2005

I don’t want to start preparing. I don’t want to think about what’s happening but it’s getting closer and it’s eating away at me. I don’t sleep well anymore and I’m constantly dealing with an upset stomach. I called her tonight and she sounded so tired and so out of it. She didn’t even recognize me right away. We didn’t talk long because she needed her rest because the nurses keep waking her up.

Looking forward Published October 13, 2005

This weekend should be a lot of fun. Some good friends are coming in from out of town and we’re all looking forward to sharing some memories, laughs, and some fine whiskey. (or soda). I’m excited.

Closer Published October 13, 2005

The bathroom’s almost done. It’s been painted and there just needs to be one last thing done; putting some sort of cover to fill the gap where the tub meets the floor.

Happy Birthday to Me Published October 6, 2005

I had a pretty good day today. I woke up early to get Ana ready for school. Her school had a special “Walk To School” day where all of the kids walked with their families or other grown-ups. The UWEC Football t eam was there to help out as well which was really cool to see. After we dropped her off at the school, we went home for a bit and then headed out to run a few errands.

Taming the Bathroom From Hell Published September 29, 2005

Today was the day that Mark and Dave were going to help me start work on the bathroom. Mark was unable to make it, but Dave was able to get most of the work done by himself I made sure to be around to answer questions and make some decisions, but I did learn a lot. Thankfully, I was able to work from home today so I didn’t have to take the day off.

Harmony 659 – The Best Universal Remote Published September 17, 2005

My wife bought me the Harmony 659 universal remote as an early birthday present. I’d been looking at one for about 6 months after my last universal remote failed miserably to control my devices. My take on it? Absolutely fabulous, once you get it configured. You have to know the model numbers for all of your devices. That was the first tricky part. The next problem I had was that I have a PC connected to my TV to play music, videos, and games.

Fun day Published September 12, 2005

Mark at Rock ‘n’ Roll To Go held his End of Summer Bash today. It was a great outdoor get-together. Many of the cool inflatable attractions were out for the kids. Ana had a great time on the Titanic slide and the Ironman obstacle course. It was a great chance for Mark to thank the Eau Claire area, but it was also a chance for him to show off a bit.

Ana’s First Day Published September 10, 2005

Things have been pretty crazy around here lately and I've been meaning to write this post. Ana had her first day of school on September 1st, 2005. As you can see from the photo, she was really excited to go. She's been doing the school thing for a full week now and she still likes it. She enjoys her teacher and seems to be making some new friends. Kids grow up quick.

Where Am I? Published August 31, 2005

I’ve been spending time in the Rails community helping out fellow developers with their problems. I’ve spent a few hours a night in #rubyonrails on IRC.FREENET.ORG. It feels really good to help others figure out their problems. On a related note, I have an article up on the Rails Wiki that shows how to set up a development environment using Eclipse. You can find that here.