
My blog. Personal thoughts, anecdotes, and musings.

One Year at DigitalOcean Published June 20, 2017

Today marks one year with DigitalOcean, and I couldn’t be happier. I’m so unbelievably lucky to get to do what I do there. I work on the DigitalOcean Tutorials collection, where I help community authors get their articles published. It’s the perfect job for me, as I get to draw from my software development and system administration backgrounds, as well as my writing, editing, and teaching experiences. Writing software is fun, but DigitalOcean gives me the opportunity to help others get better at what they do.

Settling In at the New Gig Published August 13, 2016

I’m nearly two months into my new job. For those of you that haven’t heard, I am a Technical Editor at DigitalOcean, a fantastic startup based in New York City. I work with a great team of people, and I help open-source enthusiasts share their knowledge through written tutorials. I’m responsible for taking their submitted tutorials and testing them out, looking for inaccuracies, security problems, or other issues a reader might encounter.

Moving On… Published May 23, 2016

I’ve had an amazing time teaching aspiring software developers. Over the course of the last four years I’ve had the privilege of teaching over 400 students how to use Linux, how to build their first web sites, and how to write their first software applications. I’ve met some truly incredible people and forged some great relationships which I hope continue on for many years. But today I turned in my letter of resignation and am looking forward to what lies ahead.

The Hogan Formula For Software Estimation Published July 26, 2015

Measuring how long a software project will take is a futile endeavor. Unfortunately, people who hire software developers have a habit of asking for the impossible. Like when they want you to build a Facebook clone in two weeks for $200. So to appease my clients and managers over the years, I developed a formula to somewhat accurately address the “how long will it take” question. And despite it being a bit tounge-in-cheek, it’s startlingly accurate when you sit down and think about it.

Being A Good Critical Friend Published January 25, 2015

I’ve been around software development a long time, and a reoccurring theme is to see this kind of feedback from peers:

MonthOfMusic Day 31 Published August 31, 2014

This is it.. the last #MonthOfMusic song. (To listen to the whole month, check out For the finale, I chose to finally record a song I wrote a long time ago for my wife, Carissa. Here it is. Hope you enjoy, and thanks for listening.

MonthOfMusic Day 30 Published August 31, 2014

Just a little piano piece I wrote a long time ago. I figured it was time to record it.

MonthOfMusic Day 29 Published August 29, 2014

I really haven’t done any hard rock, and seeing as how I grew up listening to straight-ahead rock of the 80s, I figured I’d better sneak one into the MonthOfMusic. Gotta pay tribute to some of my influences. So here’s number 29.

MonthOfMusic Day 28 Published August 29, 2014

For day 28, I went back to the guitar and just kinda jammed. I felt like doing some tunes like I did in college, and I am pretty happy with what I ended up with.