
My blog. Personal thoughts, anecdotes, and musings.

The Big Shindigg Published May 17, 2004

We had the big May Birthday Party this weekend. This year, Carissa and I threw a surprise party for my mom and dad. My aunt Annie and my uncle Bob came up from Illinois, and they brought my grandma with them. It was great to see them all and my dad was quite surprised as well. My other grandma came also, as well as my aunt Mary Kay and my uncle Ben, with whom we always share special occasions.

The XP FIrewall Published May 7, 2004

ZDNet is running a story that predicts the death of third-party firewalls now that the XP Firewall will be turned on by default in the next service pack for Windows XP. This is simply not true. The Microsoft firewall can be disabled with three lines of VBScript code. This has been tested by sysadmins on Service Pack 2 betas in order to allow remote administration of machines. I’d bet that non-MS firewalls can’t be disabled this easily.

AVSERVE2 – New Worm found Published May 6, 2004

I’m finding a nasty little memory hogging trojan / worm thingy related to the Sasser worm on a few of the machines in my office. See this page for some info on how to get rid of it. Check your task manager. If you see AVSERVER2.EXE running, you should nuke it. If you can’t get rid of it manually, you can use PSKILL from SysInternals to forcefully kill the process.

Free VB.NET Published May 6, 2004

Watch some movies and rate them and get a free copy of VB.NET Standard here. You don’t have to watch the movies.. just rate them! Update: I never got mine. What a rip!

More Space Published May 4, 2004

I picked up a 160gb hard drive last night for . My server is running out of space and I couldn’t wait any more. It was the best deal I could find in town, and after some recent hard drive freakouts, my server needed a new drive. I spent last night moving files to it and it looks like everything is working. It wasn’t what I had in mind for last night, but it’s still something I am glad I got out of the way.

Mom’s Doing Well Published May 3, 2004

We went up to see my parents tonight and we cooked hot dogs and bratwurst on the grill. It was pretty cold but the food cooked up pretty fast. I worry about Mom because she tries to do too much too soon, and I just want her to be more careful. I’ve only got one set of parents, and I’d like them to be around for awhile yet. I’m pretty excited about Neal and Sara’s wedding.

Twenty Favorite Songs Published May 3, 2004

“Everything Happens To Me” (Chet Baker) One of the coolest tunes ever. Chet sings so soft and mellow, and his delivery of this great song is just perfect. It’s the song for anyone who just feels like nothing ever goes right for them, especially love. “I” (dada) This song has incredible harmonies and neat guitar overlays. dada is probably my favorite rock band, and this would be my favorite song.

What a week Published April 30, 2004

There’s so much going on right now. I started working on a new program that will let administrators know when servers are unavailable. I plan to get it working and start selling it. The problem is that I don’t have a lot of time to spend on it because I have some web stuff going on as well. The new designs I’m working on are almost done, and I’ve set a goal for myself this weekend.

Not Done Yet Published April 24, 2004

Mom’s out of surgery. They found quite a bit of lymphoma in both ovaries, and some on her colon. They removed all the lymphoma they could find, but they also found an unknown mass in the uterous. It could be a fibroid tumor, or it could be much much worse. I don’t want to think about that, so I won’t. The surgeon said they would know more within two weeks, so we are all back to the waiting game.