
My blog. Personal thoughts, anecdotes, and musings.

Wow it's late! Published April 3, 2003

I just finished up a nice long night of coding. I’m working on a new version of my web server management tool. When it’s done, users will be able to handle a lot of the awful administrative tasks from one simple interface. Some features include

dada in MN Published March 31, 2003

dada is playing in Minneapolis at First Ave on May 30th. Unfortunately for me, I can’t go because I have to be at a wedding that weekend. Damn. I wanted to see them twice.

A Family Again Published March 31, 2003

My daughter is home again, and she’s driving me nuts… but that’s
good because in a strange way, you get to the point where you miss
that. We played together today and watched the new Simpsons episode
that was on tonight. Then, as I was reading her bedtime story, she
passed out. It’s never been easier than that to get her to bed!

Snow Published March 28, 2003

It’s snowing here. My high school closed today…. why can’t they have closed this much when I was in school? It could be that since we hanven’t had much snow in the last few years, everyone up there forgot how to handle it. Today should prove interesting. I have a doctor’s appointment this afternoon at my wife’s prodding. I made the mistake of telling her I haven’t been in for a physical in quite some time, so she’s making me go.

Old Friends Published March 25, 2003

I went out to Sam’s Club tonight to get some food and some other stuff. I ran into an old buddy of mine from college while I was walking into the store. I haven’t seen him in over a year, and I found out that he is still going to Eau Claire. He’s graduating next year. It was good to see him.

Some people are obsessive… and then there's this guy Published March 21, 2003

This has to be one of the funniest things I’ve read in a long time. Man changes name to Optimus Prime. Now I liked the Transformers when I was a kid. I had a lot of the toys and spent a long time playing with them. I’ll admit I own the first two seasons on DVD and I also own the movie. But I don’t play with the toys anymore, and I certainly wouldn’t think about changing my name!

We're at War Published March 20, 2003

The US just launched some sort of pre-dawn strike in Iraq…. more to follow.

Still feeling Crappy Published March 17, 2003

At least the Strong Bad email today led to a Trogdor Video Game! That’s been amusing me for the last ten minutes. I’m eating dinner right now and getting ready to watch the president’s speech on tv tonight, and then it’s off to bed. I am still really tired and I have no sick time left so I have to drag it into work tomorrow.

Fever And Other Yucky Things Published March 17, 2003

I’m really sick right now. I don’t think I’ll be going in to work
tomorrow if I still feel the way I do. I’ve had a really high fever
and I’ll probably go to the doctor in the morning to see if anything
can be done… I’ve been sick since Friday morning.