
My blog. Personal thoughts, anecdotes, and musings.

Lazy Weekend Published February 3, 2003

Well I spent most of the weekend doing nothing except laying on the couch. I put in a long night on Friday and spent most of Saturday watching MSNBC. It snowed here finally. I shovelled the driveway for the first time all “winter”. It was actually nice to be outside in the snow… everything looks so peaceful out here where I live… I’ve never seen it here with snow. I think I’ll take Ana outside tomorrow and build snowmen.

Columbia Shuttle Published February 1, 2003

Unreal. Columbia shuttle breaks up over Texas

Launched Published February 1, 2003

Damn it’s late. I did it though…. I made the deadline. My consulting site is finished! It’s live, and it looks like everything worked. I’m pretty happy with it, but it was a lot of work. Now I need to start looking for more contracts, because the current projects I have are all wrapping up. Life at work is interesting…. apparently there is a trojan horse associated with the SQL Slammer worm.

What a week Published January 30, 2003

Ahh what a week. I’ve been busy with other projects, and I got to see my friend Neal last night. He drove up from Chicago and hung out with us. It was nice to catch up.

Busy Weekend Published January 27, 2003

Well it’s been a busy weekend.

There was a massive attack on the internet today affecting MS-SQL servers. It took out Bank of America, as well as tens of thousands of SQL servers nationwide. It also took out our servers at work, so I spent a good part of today working on making sure our stuff is back up and running by tomorrow morning. I’ll have to go in early to make sure everything is ok.

Mixed Bag Published January 22, 2003

Today was a mixed bag. My mom has decided on a plan of attack to treat her lymphoma. We’re looking at 8 to 10 years life expectancy, but it varies. Mom is going to try a new method involving antibodies, which has about a 50 percent success rate. It will allow her to maintain a decent quality of life and hopefully improve the situation. We’re all hoping.

Adobe Spying? Published January 21, 2003

Adobe decided it would be “cool” to connect their programs to the internet when I’m using them. So I did some digging… and here’s how to stop that from happening.

Treble Published January 17, 2003

Today, we got a cat. I wasn’t thrilled about the idea of a three-month-old kitten with claws running around my house, but as soon as I came home and saw the kitten playing with my daughter, that was it. And it was all over when the kitten curled up into a ball on my shoulder and fell asleep when I was watching TV. What can I do?

Interesting Day at Work Published January 16, 2003

Well it’s Wednesday and there were a lot of interesting things that happened at work today. We’re dropping out of some projects that I enjoy working on, but it will free us up to pursue other areas, such as application development. It should be fun. Right now though, I am concerned with getting more students going on web scripts and applications as well as web design. We need more people with experience, and we just don’t have it. It’s going to be an uphill climb too, with a hiring freeze and budget cuts.

Full Plate Published January 13, 2003

Another work week begins, and I have a lot on my plate. I have a lot of projects I have to sort through and decide which ones are most important. The ones that don’t make the cut will most likely get dropped. There’s just too much to do and not enough time to do it.