HTPC setup

Published October 3, 2023

Reading time: 24 minutes.

This is a draft. This guide isn't complete yet. Some sections are missing details.

This is a guide to setting up a Windows 10/11 computer as a computer for watching videos and playing games on your home theater system. It’s also a good guide to follow if you’re building a machine that will be placed inside of an arcade cabinet.

You’ll need a computer with the following specifications:

  • Windows 10 Pro or 11
  • At least 8GB of RAM
  • At least 256GB of main storage
  • An HDMI port that supports audio
  • Bluetooth

Additional hardware:

  • XBox One controllers with Bluetooth support. (If it pairs with your phone it will work for this. )
  • A remote control.

You’ll set up the following pieces of software:

7zipDecompress 7z archives.
TightVNCLets you see and contorl the remote machine’s desktop.
J.River Media CenterPlay movies, videos, and music files.
ES-DEA front end for games.
RetroArchEmulators and control system for various retro gaming systems.
SteamStore and library for PC games.
Bezel Project Windows UtilityA program to fetch bezels for your games.
FlexA front-end launcher designed for home theater machines.
EventGhostA program to control your PC with a remote.

Important Notes

You’re going to make tons of security compromises here. In order to have a decent experience and reduce complexity, you’re going to do everything from single administrator account.

You’re only going to use Windows Defender.

You’re going to enable file sharing and remote access so you can manage files and configuration from another machine for convenience in case something goes wrong with the TV.

So be sure to properly secure the hardware, and make sure you don’t leave any external network access holes. Treat this like a Nest cam, or an unsupported IoT device you bought off of eBay.

You can secure it more if you know how, but you’re on your own.

Set up directories

You’ll create directories in the root of the hard drive, rather than in your home directory. This will make it easier to access these files from multiple accounts and external shares. There are special permissions applied to the Home directories that are difficult to deal with when mapping drives, so creating these directories in the root will reduce issues when you’re trying to transfer files or remotely edit configuration files.

  • Create the folder c:\htpc. This is where you’ll store the front-end and configuration files.
  • Create the folder c:\games. This is where you’ll place games.
  • Create the folder c:\pictures. This is where you’ll store pictures for your screen saver.
  • Create the folder c:\music. This is where you’ll place MP3 files.

Once you’ve created the directories, you’ll download some additional utilities.

Get some tools.

First, download and install Google Chrome:

Next, download 7Zip.

  • Go to Tools and select Options.

Ensure 7Zip is associated with 7z files:

7zip settings
7zip settings
Press OK to save changes.

Close 7Zip.

Next you’ll clean out some of the pre installed programs and background processes.

Remove cruft and Speed Up the UI

There are a lot of tools Windows installs for you and they’re not easy to remove.

You’ll download and execute a script that will debloat your machine. Review the script first before proceeding:

Open a PowerSHell with Admin access and run the following command:

iwr -useb|iex

The script will create a restore point:

You’ll then be presented with a user interface that lets you remove programs and features:

Windows 10 Debloater tool interface
Windows 10 Debloater tool interface

Choose the following options:

  • Disable Cortana
  • Disable Edge PDF
  • Uninstall Onedrive
  • Disable Telemetry / Tasks

The default blocklist is very aggressive. It will remove Notepad, Xbox-related things, and even the Windows Store. So close the script. You’ll remove components by hand.

3d Builder

Get-AppxPackage *3dbuilder* | Remove-AppxPackage_

Alarms and Clock

Get-AppxPackage *alarms* | Remove-AppxPackage

Calendar and Mail

Get-AppxPackage *communications* | Remove-AppxPackage


Get-AppxPackage *camera* | Remove-AppxPackage


Get-AppxPackage *officehub* | Remove-AppxPackage

Get Started

Get-AppxPackage *getstarted* | Remove-AppxPackage

Get Help

Get-AppxPackage *GetHelp* | Remove-AppxPackage


Get-AppxPackage *zunemusic* | Remove-AppxPackage

HEIF image support:

Get-AppxPackage *HEIFImageExtension* | Remove-AppxPackage

Microsoft ToDo

Get-AppxPackage *Todos* | Remove-AppxPackage

Microsoft Teams

Get-AppxPackage *Teams* | Remove-AppxPackage

Movies and TV

Get-AppxPackage *zunevideo* | Remove-AppxPackage

Bing Finance

Get-AppxPackage *bingfinance* | Remove-AppxPackage

Bing News

Get-AppxPackage *bingnews* | Remove-AppxPackage


 Get-AppxPackage *onenote* | Remove-AppxPackage


Get-AppxPackage *people* | Remove-AppxPackage


Get-AppxPackage *windowsphone* | Remove-AppxPackage


Get-AppxPackage *photos* | Remove-AppxPackage


Get-AppxPackage *picsart* | Remove-AppxPackage


Get-AppxPackage *PowerAutomateDesktop* | Remove-AppxPackage

Screen and Sketch Snipping Tool

Get-AppxPackage *ScreenSketch* | Remove-AppxPackage


Get-AppxPackage *skypeapp* | Remove-AppxPackage

Sticky Notes

Get-AppxPackage *MicrosoftStickyNotes* | Remove-AppxPackage


Get-AppxPackage *bingsports* | Remove-AppxPackage

Voice recorder

 Get-AppxPackage *soundrecorder* | Remove-AppxPackage


Get-AppxPackage *bingweather* | Remove-AppxPackage


Get-AppxPackage *WebpImageExtension* | Remove-AppxPackage

Your Phone

Get-AppxPackage *YourPhone* | Remove-AppxPackage

Finally, open the Accessibility settings, choose Visual effects, and disable transparency and animations:

Windows Accessibility Visual effects settings
Windows Accessibility Visual effects settings

Then right click on the taskbar and choose Taskbar settings. Disable chat and widgets:

Taskbar settings
Taskbar settings

Your system should be much snappier now.

Set Up Network Name, Workgroup, and Sharing.

The next thing you’ll want to do is get your computer named and configured on your network. Make sure it’s added to the same workgroup as your media files so you can map drives and get to your content.

Give the computer a name and add it to the workgroup.

You’ll want your computer to have a name and be part of the same workgroup as other computers on your network.

  1. Open Settings.
  2. Select System on the right side, select About on the right side.
  3. Clock the Advanced system settings link to open System Properties.
  4. Ensure the Computer Name tab is focused, and click on the Change button.
  5. Enter the name and workgroup.
  6. Press Ok.
  7. Restart the computer.
Workgroup and name
Workgroup and name

Ensure the computer is visible on the network.

Go to Settings, select Network & Internet, select Advanced network settings, and select Advanced sharing settings.

Ensure that the computer is visible and that file and print sharing is on for the current profile.


With this set, other computers can see your computer.

(Optionally) Share the C drive

You’ll find it much easier to configure things and move files to your device if you share out the hard drive. This way you can transfer files to the machine without loading up a physical disk and walking around to the machine.

  1. Right click the C drive.
  2. Choose Properties
  3. Choose Sharing.
  4. Click on Advanced.

Share the C drive.

Choose Permissions

Permissions for C giving the Everyone group Modify permissions
Permissions for C giving the Everyone group Modify permissions

Click OK to save the permissions.

Click OK again to close the sharing screen.

Now open Control Panel, select System and Security, choose Windows Defender Firewall, and choose Allow an app or feature.

Ensure that File and Print Sharing are allowed for your private network.

If it’s not checked, click Change settings, make the change, and press OK.

Windows Defender Firewall
Windows Defender Firewall

You can now connect to your machine as \\machine\c

Disable Windows Login

If your machine will be connected to a TV, you’ll want to skip the login process in case it reboots. Of course, this is a security hole, so do this at your own risk.

First, open regedit and locate this key:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\PasswordLess\Device

Change DevicePasswordLessBuildVersion to 0.

  • 0 is disabled
  • 2 is enabled

Then press Windows+R and run netplwiz

the netplwiz interface showing the password checkbox
the netplwiz interface showing the password checkbox

When you uncheck the box and press Apply you’ll get a password prompt:

Enter the password for your account and click OK. Then click OK on the netplcwiz dialog.

Restart to see the changes. You’ll log in automatically.

(Optional) Set up VNC for Remote Administration

Installing VNC will give you quick access to the desktop from another machine. You’ll find this useful if you need to make changes and want to do it from a full computer. Again, this creates a security hole, so you’re trading security for convenience here.

Download TightVNC and install it.

Configure it using the following settings:

  • Accept incoming connections
  • Require VNC authentication
  • Don’t hide desktop wallpaper.
  • Set a primary password.
  • Enable file transfers.

Your settings should look like those set in the following image:

TightVNC settings
TightVNC settings

That completes the network setup for your machine.

Configure J.River Media Center for TV displays

J.River Media Center is a fantastic media player with support for movies, videos, images, and audio files. It also has a “Theater View” interface so you can navigate through your library on the television.

The best way to configure J.River Media Center is to install the software on a standalone server. Configure your playlists, media, and other files on that machine. Then install J.River on your HTPC and connect to your server’s library.

You can also put your movies, shows, and music on a network share and import those into J.River Media Center and it will work just as well as if they were local.

For this guide, you’ll run it all locally on the machine.

Install J.River Media Center 27:

Then load your movies and videos into its library. In the sidebar, select Main Library.

J.River Media Center main library settings
J.River Media Center main library settings

Choose Import to import your files into the library.

Once you have that configured, set up the TV interface.

Configuring Theater View

Select the Tools menu, choose Options and go to Theater View:

Theater View Options
Theater View Options
  • Use the Noire skin
  • For Theme, set the image / video mix to Subtle

Under Items to Show you can configure various views. You can link playlists you’ve created, custom filters for shows, and more. The Items to Show are part of your library, and if you set these up on a server, you don’t have to configure these on the J.River Media Center instance you’ve installed on your HTPC. Consult the documentation for J.River.

Finally, make Theater View the default when J.River launches and turn off services you don’t need.

Configure J.River Options

Within Options, select the Startup section.

Make Theater View the default when you start J.River Media Center.


You don’t need to set it up to start when Windows starts. You’ll use another program for that later.

Next, select the General section and disable features you don’t need. This will speed up J.River and use less resources. Under the Features section, only select the following:

  • ASIO Driver
  • Data support
  • Explorer
  • Image support
  • Incomplete Shutdown Dialog
  • Linkable Columns
  • Links Bar
  • Media Network (Library, Server, DLNA, etc.)
  • Quick Play
  • Recent Playing Nows
  • Remote Control
  • Split View
  • Streaming
  • Theater View
  • Video Support
Deselect unnecessary features
Deselect unnecessary features

Set Up Games and Emulators

You’ll install RetroArch, Steam, and ES-DE to make everything work smoothly.

Set Up a Game Launcher using ES-DE

You’ll use ES-DE as the game frontend, as it has the lowest profile and most compatibility out of the options available. You’ll use the portable version as it’s already preconfigured, and this makes updating a breeze later. As long as you place your files and emulators in the appropriate folders inside of the ES-DE folder, everything will work without issue.

Download the Portable version:

Unzip the portable version to c:\games\ . This creates the path c:\games\ES-DE

Inside the ES-DE folder you’ll find a place for your roms and emulators. You’ll set up RetroArch next.

Set Up RetroArch

Download the 64-bit RetroArch standalone download:

Unzip this to c:\games\ES-DE\emulators. This creates the path c:\games\ES-DE\emulators\RetroArch-Win64.

Verify this path before moving on, as this is the default location ES-DE expects to find the 64-bit Windows version of RetroArch.

Download Emulation Cores in RetroArch

RetroArch uses “cores” to emulate games. You’ll need a core for NES games, another core for Arcade games, and other cores for other systems. You install these cores through RetroArch itself.

Launch RetroArch by clicking on c:\games\ES-DE\emulators\RetroArch-Win64\retroarch.exe.

You’ll see the main menu:

Retroarch main menu
Retroarch main menu
Choose Online Updater. Then choose Core Downloader.

Download the following cores:

  • Arcade:
    • Mame2003-Plus (which has compatibility with many games and works well on older slower systems.)
    • Arcade: FinalBurn Neo (which has better support for certain games)
  • Nintendo Gamecube: Dolphin
  • Nintendo NES:
    • Use Mesen if you have a faster, newer system
    • Use Quicknes if you have an older Atom-based processor
  • Nintendo SNES: Snes9x Current
  • Sega: Genesis Plus GX
  • Sony PSP: PSPSS
  • Sony PS1: Beetle

Press the Backspace key twice to return to the main menu.

Configure your controller to exit games.

RetroArch has built-in support for the Xbox 360 and Xbox One controllers, so there’s no configuration you need to do to make those work. Plug them in or power them on and RetroArch will assign them.

However, you can set up a controller shortcut to exit games so you don’t have to reach for a keyboard.

From the RetroArch main menu, choose Settings, then Input, then scroll to Hotkey, then scroll down to Quit (Controller Combo).

Choose Start+Select.

Hotkey Quit controller combo
Hotkey Quit controller combo

Press the Backspace key until you return to the main menu.

Press the ESC key twice to exit RetroArch.

Add BIOS files to RetroArch

Some emulators will need BIOS files. For example, the PSX emulator needs PSX bios files. Those files are subject to copyright so they’re not linked here. You should dump them from your own original equipment.

  • PSX bios
    • Place the bios files in c:\games\EmulationStation-DE\emulators\RetroArch-win64\system and RetroArch will find them.

Next you’ll set up a PS2 emulator.

Emulating PS2 games with PCSX2

RetroArch’s PS2 emulation has limited support. It’s best to install PCSX2 as a standalone program. EmulationStation supports standalone emulators in addition to RetroArch, so you’ll configure that in this section.

Download Visual Studio C++ Redistributable from and install it.

Download the Nightly version of PCSX2 from

Once downloaded, follow these steps:

  1. Extract the files with 7zip
  2. Move the extracted files to c:\games\EmulationStation-DE\emulators\PCSX2
  3. Rename PCSX2-Qt.exe to PCSX2-QTX64.exe so EmulationStation can find it.

Once done, you’ll need to place PS2 bios files in c:\games\EmulationStation-DE\emulators\PCSX2\bios. These are copyrighted files and you’ll need to obtain them from your own hardware.

Once the bios files are in place, launch PCSX2. Walk through its wizard, select your BIOS files, and skip scanning for games.

Once you’ve completed the wizard, do the following:

Select Settings and choose Interface and set the following: * Start in full screen mode. * Deselect the option to confirm shutdown. * Do not save state on Shutdown.

Interface settings
Interface settings

Next, under Settings, select Hotkeys, and use the Select and Start buttons as the hotkey to Shut down virtual machine.

![[attachments/pcsx2_hotkey.png]] Exit PCSX2.

Next you’ll set up your roms.

Set up roms

Like BIOS files, ROMs are copyrighted material and this document won’t have links to any. If you have your own files that you’ve dumped, you’ll place them in the appropriate folders within Emulation Station.

ES-DE has a ROMs folder and a ROMs_ALL folder.

  1. Copy the systems you’ll use from the ROMs_ALL folder to the ROMs folder
  2. Place the roms into the appropriate folders.
    1. You can place arcade ROM files in the arcade folder or the mame folder.
    2. PSX games should be in CHD format rather than BIN/CUE files to avoid games getting listed twice in the interface. If you have BIN/CUE files instead because you’ve created your own backups, use chdman from Mame to convert them. See this page for more information.

Once you’ve placed your ROM files in the right location, launch ES-DE and it will create sections for each system by scanning the folders.

Configure Bezels

When you run games from various systems on a wide-screen display, the game will be centered on the screen, but the surrounding area will be black. You can load game artwork to fill that space. These bezels are especially nice for arcade games as they often resemble the artwork that surrounded the screen, including instructions on how to play.

Download the Bezel Project utility for Windows.

Install the tool. You’ll have to allow Windows to run the tool, as Windows Defender will prevent you from running it as it’s unsigned.

Install the tool to c:\htpc\bezel project rather than the default location.

Once installed, launch the tool. Dismiss the end user license agreement and the notification about configuring bezel locations.

Once the app is loaded, click Preferences and fill in the location for RetroArch:

Set the RetroArch directory
Set the RetroArch directory

Press Save to return to the main menu.

Ensure Download/Uninstall/Update bezel pack is selected, and then select the radio button next to Process RetroArch is selected:

Select the option to download and install bezel packs for RetroArch
Select the option to download and install bezel packs for RetroArch

Press Ok to continue.

Update the install script
Update the install script

Press OK to update the script.

Next, select the bezel packs you want to install and press OK. This wi. take some time.

The bezels will load when you launch your games.

If a bezel does not load, it’s most likely because the ROM name doesn’t match the bezel configuration filename and the image filename for the bezel. You can verify this by going to C:\games\EmulationStation-DE\Emulators\RetroArch-Win64\overlays\GameBezels\ and looking in the folder for the system you’re using. You’ll find a cfg and png file for each bezel. Ensure your ROM matches those filenames.

Next you’ll set up Steam so you can play PC games from your Steam library.

Install Steam

Install Steam as normal. Log in to your account.

When Steam Friends appears, click the settings cog and disable Steam friends from starting when you launch Steam.

In Settings:

  • Interface
    • Check Run Steam when my computer starts
    • Check
  • Library
    • Check Low Performance mode
    • Check Low Bandwidth Mode.

Install your Steam games locally. When installing, choose to add a Desktop shortcut for your games. Don’t create Start menu shortcuts though.

Set up Steam games in ES-DE

Your Desktop is now full of icons for your games. You’ll move those into the ES-DE folder so ES-DE can display your library there.

Open the File Explorer in Windows.

  1. Copy c:\games\ES-DE\ROMs_ALL\steam to c:\games\ES-DE\ROMs\steam.
  2. Move the icons from your Desktop to c:\games\ES-DE\ROMs\steam:

This way ES-DE can find them.

Next you’ll launch ES-DE and set up the default emulators.

Set up emulator defaults

Launch ES-DE. Press the ESC key to bring up the menu and choose Other Settings.

Other Settings
Other Settings
Choose Alternative Emulators from the menu.

Alternative Emulators
Alternative Emulators
  • For Arcade, set the Mame 2003 Plus emulator.
  • For PS2, use the PCSX2 [Standalone] emulator.
  • For NES, choose either Mesen or Quicknes, depending on what you installed.
  • Leave other emulators at the default values.

Next you’ll set up your artwork and download videos for the games.

Download artwork and videos

ES-DE can download box art and images for your games, which it will display as you navigate through your catalog. You can also use these images or videos as an “attract mode” screensaver.

Launch ES-DE. Press the ESC key to bring up the menu and choose Scraper:

EmulationStation Scraper settings
EmulationStation Scraper settings
Ensure all games and all systems are selected. Then choose Start.

This process will take a long time and may not be 100% accurate. You can correct individual games by pressing the Select button on your controller when selecting a game. You can scrape the individual game and also refine the search criteria for that game.

Next you’ll configure the front-end.

Set up Flex as a front end for your HTPC

You’ll want a front-end optimized for televisions to launch your programs.

Download Flex Launcher

Unzip this to c:\htpc\flex.

Open the c:\htpc\flex\config.ini file in a text editor.

Configure basic settings

At the top of the file, ensure mouse mode is enabled by setting MouseSelect=true:

# Flex Launcher v2.1 sample configuration file
# For documentation of these settings, visit:

Configure a background image:


Configure your icon size so you can see 5 icons on the screen at a time:


Disable the Esc key so it can’t close the app:

# Esc to quit
# Hotkey1=#1B;:quit

That takes care of the basic configuration. Now set up the menu.

Configure the Menu

Scroll to the bottom of the file to find the menu definition.

Replace what’s there with the following code which defines entries for J.River Media Center, EmulationStation, Chrome, and a System menu.

# Menu configurations
Entry1=Media Center;.\assets\icons\kodi.png;"c:\htpc\start.bat"
Entry3=Browser;.\assets\icons\plex.png;"C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe"
Entry4=System;.\assets\icons\system.png;:submenu System

Then define the System and Settings menu so you can quit and access EventGhost, Steam, and the Control Panel:

Entry2=Settings;.\assets\icons\system.png;:submenu Settings

Entry2=Control panel;.\assets\icons\system.png;"C:\Windows\System32\control.exe"
Entry3=EventGhost;.\assets\icons\system.png;"C:\Program Files (x86)\EventGhost\EventGhost.exe"
Entry4=Steam;.\assets\icons\steam.png;"C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steam.exe" steam://open/bigpicture

Save the file.

Launch Flex and you’ll see this interface:

The Flex user interface
The Flex user interface

Next you’ll configure the system so you can control it with a remote control.

Use EventGhost to control everything

EventGhost is software that interprets signals from your remote receiver and converts them into keyboard shortcuts or mouse movement.

Download the latest EventGhost:

Install the software.

Launch the software. Create a new configuration file. Your UI should be blank:

Go to File and choose Options.

Ensure EventGhost autostarts and that it minimizes to the tray when you close the window.

Install the driver for your remote

EventGhost ships with drivers for a handful of remote devices.

Select Configure and Add Plugin.

Choose your remote plugin.

  • Install the Windows Vista version of the MCE remote if you’re using the hP remote.
  • Install the USB-UIRT driver if you’re using that receiver.

If you install the MCE Vista remote, you will need to install the service.

Once it’s installed, save the EventGhost configuration and Reboot the machine.. The service will not work until you reboot.

Once rebooted, test your remote.

Press remote buttons to capture their events

Press the various buttons on your remote. EventGhost will display them in the log. You’ll be able to drag these events into EventGhost actions.

Add an On Screen Menu

Add the OSM plugin. It’ll ask to add defaults. Add them. You’ll delete many of the defaults later, but it’ll save some time.

Click on the OS Menu: Show menu option. Create menu items for some programs:

Create Default Remote navigation

  • Add a new Folder to the sidebar called Programs.
  • Add a new folder within that called Default
  • Within that folder, add the folder Keyboard Navigation.
  • Within Keyboard Navigation, add a new Macro called Up.
  • Drag the remote event for the UP keypress from the log into the macro.

Then, within the macro, add a new Emulate Keystrokes action

  • Right click the up macro and choose Add Action
  • Go to Window and choose Emulate Keystrokes and add the action.
  • In the box that appears, instead of typing in a phrase, use the pick list to locate Up and press Insert. It will add {Up} to the text box.
  • Click Ok

Within the macro, add an autorepeat action:

  • Right click the up macro and choose Add Action
  • Go to EventGhost and choose Autorepeat current macro and add the action.
  • Choose the default repeat settings.

The end result looks like the following:

Configured macro
Configured macro

Add in the rest of the directions.

  • Add the Ok button for Enter.
  • Use the Back button for Escape
  • Use the Teletype button for the ALT+F4 combo

To speed up the process, copy and paste the existing macro you made and then edit the name and the keystroke.

When you’re done, the default config looks like this:

Default keymaps
Default keymaps

Save the file.

Test out the remote. You should be able to use the arrows to navigate and the log shows the actions.

Set up Task Create/Switch plugin

EventGhost can respond to system tasks, such as program activations and deactivations. This is helpful for focusing apps when programs open or close, or when a program gets focus.

Under Autostart, add the plugin Task Create/Switch Events.

Add the plugin to watch events
Add the plugin to watch events

Control JRiver Media Center

JRiver Media Center has additional keyboard bindings you’ll want to use with the remote, such as Play/Pause, Skip Tracks, and toggling between views. To configure it, you’ll copy the Default scheme you created and modify it.

Copy the Default folder and paste it, and rename the copy to JRMC. Then add additional commands for play, fast forward, rewind, and other keystrokes.

JRiver keybindings
JRiver keybindings

Thene add a configuration that toggles Theater View. Detect whether Theater View is running.

  1. Create a Toggle Views macro and a Theater Vieew macro.
  2. In Theater View, add Emulate keystrokes: Ctrl+4
  3. In Toggle Views, assign the Back button, and then use the Find Window action.

Open Theater View. Then use Alt+Tab to swap back to EventGhost. Make sure Media Center is hte program and the Window name is Theater View GL as shown in the following image:

Finding the Theater View window
Finding the Theater View window
Ensure that the macro doesn’t stop if the window isn’t found.

Then add an “if Unsuccessful” option to jump to the Theater View macro you made. Then add Emulate Keystrokes: Ctrl+3.

If Theater View is running, the button will turn it off. If it’s off, it’ll turn it on.

Toggle theater view options
Toggle theater view options

Now set up the program launch.

Launching Media Center and handling events

For some reason Media Center doesn’t always return control back to the launching program. Use a bat file for this instead. That way the bat file is the program the launcher is observing.

In the htpc folder, add the file start.bat:

@echo off
"C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 27\Media Center 27.exe"

Now back in EventGhost:

  1. Create a new folder called Program Launchers.
  2. Within that folder create a JRMC folder.
  3. Within that, add a Start Program macro. Have it call the c:\htpc\start.bat command.
  4. Add a macro called Deactivate JRMC and have it look for the Task Deactivated for MC and enable the Default command configuration.
  5. Add a macro called Activate and enable exclusive the JRMC config.
JRiver startup events
JRiver startup events

Next you’ll configure the screensaver.

Set up screensaver events

Screensaver events
Screensaver events

Make EventGhost work with Flex.

Flex launcher doesn’t handle the Enter keypress, so we’ll need a new mode for it, so you’ll follow the same approach you used for J River Media Center: you’ll copy the Default group over and modify it.

First, create a Flex program

Then activate the flex commands exclusively when Flex is launched and closed:

Launching Flex and handling events

Flex doesn’t prevent itself from launching multiple times. If you launch it from the on screen menu, it’ll load a new instance. This can cause issues. Using EventGhost, you’ll detect Flex’s state and focus it if you find it, or you’ll launch a new instance.

Create the Flex program launcher group.

  • Create the Run New Flex instance macro
    • Add Start Program action and point it to Flex.
  • Create the Start Program: flex macro
    • Use the OSM.flex event
    • Use the green button event
    • Find the Flex window using the Find Window action.
      • Ensure that the macro DOES NOT STOP if the action fails!
    • Add a Jump action.
      • If the previous event is unsuccessful, jump to Run new Flex instance and return
      • Bring the window to front.
  • Add Activate Flex macro
    • Add the Task.Activated.flex-launcher event
    • Add Enable Exclusive: flex.
  • Add Deactivate Flex macro
    • Add the Task.Deactivated.flex-launcher event
    • add Enable Exclusive: Default

TODO: Launch flex on startup

Control ES-DE

Like Flex, ES-DE needs the alternative keypress modes for a couple features.

Copy the components for Flex. Rename all of the copies to reference EventGhost.

Copy the commands and change the Escape keypress to also use the alternative method:

Then copy the launcher so the keybindings get focused:


Flex config

File: config.ini

# Flex Launcher v2.1 sample configuration file
# For documentation of these settings, visit:





[Scroll Indicators]



# Esc to quit
# Hotkey1=#1B;:quit


# Menu configurations
Entry1=Media Center;.\assets\icons\kodi.png;"c:\htpc\start.bat"
Entry3=Browser;.\assets\icons\plex.png;"C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe"
Entry4=System;.\assets\icons\system.png;:submenu System

Entry2=Settings;.\assets\icons\system.png;:submenu Settings

Entry2=Control panel;.\assets\icons\system.png;"C:\Windows\System32\control.exe"
Entry3=EventGhost;.\assets\icons\system.png;"C:\Program Files (x86)\EventGhost\EventGhost.exe"
Entry4=Steam;.\assets\icons\steam.png;"C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steam.exe" steam://open/bigpicture

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